Jana Machatová: Lost in Memories
We cordially invite you to the exhibition of PhD student Jana Machatová: Lost in Memories at the Zichy Old Town Gallery, Ventúrska 9, Bratislava.
Staromestská galéria Zichy
Ventúrska 9, Bratislava
Grand opening: 22.2. at 6 p.m.
Guided tour: 14.3. at 5 p.m.
- 22.2.– 22.3.2024
- the exhibition is open Tuesday-Sunday 15.00-19.00
About the exhibition
The series of author's jewelry Lost in Memories is inspired by personal memories, through which the author reflects on the wider socio-political context of the lived past. The starting point of her work is photographic and other pictorial material from the domestic archive, which is applied in the body of the jewelry in various ways and serves to communicate its own themes. The presented work consists mainly of brooches, which are understood as small objects that can be worn on the body with the potential of a non-verbal means of communication, able to express the attitude of both the author and the wearer of the jewelry. The work is also intended to point out the problem of memory optimism, the inability to take an attitude towards the problematic past and the position of the individual in socio-political relations. The exhibition is the final output of the doctoral studies at AFAD, which took place under the guidance of the supervisor Prof. Karol Weisslechner, acad. Arch. and trainers-consultants Mgr. Nada Kančevová, PhD.