IN SITU VIII: Presentation of the works created at the symposium
We cordially invite you to the collective exhibition IN SITU VIII. in Bratislava.
Dom umenia,
- 2. floor Národného osvetové centrum building, Nám. SNP 12, Bratislava
Opening: SAT 12. 10. 2024 @ 18.00
Duration: 13. 10. 2024 – 26. 10. 2024
Richard Aradský
Júlia Egervári
Gábor Gyenes
Anikó Mazán
Csilla Nagy
László Pálmai
Andrea Pézman
Bernadett Slávik
Erika Szőke
Balázs Szőllőssy
Bianka Török
Kinga Václav
Eszter Zsigrai
Ádám Korcsmáros
The eighth year of IN SITU, whose long-term program is to be inspired by a specific location and react to it, was organized this time in the village of Chľaba and its surroundings. The artistic group of authors working in various media is united by the ability to think and create together. At the symposium, they work with the intentions of site-specific art and nature art, while creating mainly ephemeral, temporary works connected to the given environment.

Partners and support
IN SITU, BÁZIS, Dom umenia, Národné osvetové centrum
The exhibition was supported from public funds by the grant program of the Fund for the Support of the Culture of National Minorities - KULTMINOR.

The exhibition is part of the program of the BÁZIS Festival.