Look, Pressburg! From Graphic Veduta to Photographic Views

We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition "Look, Pressburg! From Graphic Veduta to Photographic Views"  on April 19 from 6 p.m. in the GMB in Mirbach Palace. Among others 3 works restored by prof. Boris Kvasnica, akad. mal., head of the Studio of Artwork on Paper and Photography Restoration, will be presented at the exhibition.


  • Venue:

    • GMB, Mirbach palace,
      Františkánske nám. 11, Bratislava Staré mesto


  • Opening: 19. 4. 2023 at 6 p.m.

    • Exhibition duration 19. 4. – 3. 9. 2023


  • Curators:

    • Mgr. Lucia Almášiová, PhD., kurátorka Zbierok moderného a súčasného umenia, SNG
    • Mgr. Patrícia Ballx, kurátorka Zbierky starej kresby a grafiky, GMB


For more info see web GMG.


Bratislava City Gallery is staging an exhibition to showcase various methods of depicting the city of Pressburg – today's Bratislava – featured within the works of artists from the Central European circle. The individual works guide the viewer through graphic vedute, drawings, watercolours, and oil paintings to photography; from its first depictions in 1563 through to 1918. Following authors such as Matthäus Merian (1593–1650), Friedrich Bernhard Werner (1690–1778), Jozef Anton Lántz (active around 1820), Johann Vincenz Reim (1796–1858), and others, we will observe the past appearance of the city of Pressburg. Its visuals are also evoked by photographers active directly in the town, represented by names such as Eduard (Ede) Kozics (1829–1874), Károly (Carl) Körper (1845–1923), and Alois Krauss (Alojz Krausz, active around 1904).


The exhibition represents a journey through the historical city of Pressburg, showcasing its areas in diverse perspectives, varying media, and different periods. The introductory section is complemented by a selection of historical maps and guidebooks that assisted new visitors to find their way around the town, talked about its history, and recommended places worth visiting. Next, the viewer will encounter city panoramas and vedute of Pressburg, whether "idealised" or, at least partially, documentary, and thereafter will proceed to detailed views of squares, streets, and selected buildings. These include portrayals of the castle, its surroundings, and St. Martin's Cathedral, as well as the city centre and its vicinities. The works introduce us to events captured by the artists, such as coronations, parliamentary sessions, tragedies in the city, contemporary society, places of excursion, and advances in transportation. Several views show numerous features and buildings no longer in existence.

The works displayed in the exhibition are from the Collection of pre-1900 Drawings and Prints of the Bratislava City Gallery. The photographic material is supplemented by works from the collections of the Bratislava City Museum, the SNM – Historical Museum, the Slovak National Archive and the SNG Archive of Fine Art.



The exhibition is produced in cooperation with the Bratislava City Museum and supported by public funds through the Slovak arts council.