We stand by Alexandra Kusá and the Slovak National Gallery!
Just a few hours after we expressed our support for Matej Drlička, the Minister of Culture, Martina Šimkovičová, dismissed another director from the head of the national institution, Alexandra Kusá.
The Slovak National Gallery has finally begun to fill its premises with new exhibitions and long-term expositions, which were missing during its long renovation. Despite the limited conditions, Alexandra Kusá led this institution in such a way that the SNG constantly fulfills its function and the visitors always have contact with art. The contrived reasons for her dismissal only prove the political intention (not only ideologically) to appropriate another large national institution, which under inexpert leadership is at risk of stagnation or falling into the past.
In addition to the partnership and joint project of the library, we are also united, for example, by our students, graduates who work here or otherwise participate in the running of SNG. At the same time, the gallery represents a central exhibition, research and collection institution for the world of Slovak art, which we should protect against similar ambitions, which is why we stand by it in these times and protest against the destruction of culture by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.