Survey Results: Satisfaction with distance study
The student survey took place from 17 February 2021 to 26 February 2021 in the form of an anonymous online questionnaire sent to bachelor's and master's degree students at their school email addresses. A total of 228 respondents completed the survey, which represents about 40% of the total number of students in the first and second degree. Students had the opportunity to answer a total of 7 questions related to satisfaction with distance learning.
Question no. 1: How satisfied are you so far with the course of distance learning at VŠVU?
The respondent had the opportunity to express his satisfaction on a linear scale from 1-5, where No. 1 represented the greatest satisfaction and No. 5 biggest dissatisfaction.
Number of completed answers: 228
Average response: 2.74

Question no. 2: Do you feel that distance learning is more difficult?
The respondent had the option of choosing 1 answer from 3 options.
Number of completed answers: 228

Question no. 3: Do you feel that distance learning is more time consuming?
The respondent had the option of choosing 1 answer from 3 options.
Number of completed answers: 225

Question no. 4: What would you change or improve in distance learning?
The respondent had the opportunity to openly answer the question. Subsequently, we classified these answers into thematic groups and the list of the most frequent thematic groups of answers was reflected in the graph.
Number of completed answers: 224

Question no. 5: On the contrary, what do you like about distance learning?
The respondent had the opportunity to openly answer the question. Subsequently, we classified these answers into thematic groups and the list of the most frequent thematic groups of answers was reflected in the graph.
Number of completed answers: 224

Question no. 6: What would you like to keep from distance learning in the future? (After the introduction of normal teaching)
The respondent had the option of choosing several answers and entering his own open answer.
Number of answered answers: 228

Question no. 7: Is there anything else you would like to say about distance learning?
The respondent had the opportunity to openly answer the question. We have chosen not to disclose these answers in order to maintain anonymity.
Number of completed answers: 137
The survey was prepared by Lukáš Mráz, a member of the student part of the Academic Senate of the VŠVU
In Bratislava, March 3, 2021