Study sculpture in the studio of Matej Gavula

GUEST TEACHER IN SCULPTURE DEPARTMENT. In the spring semester, the Štefan Papčo Studio of free sculpture will be led by guest teacher Matej Gavula. Students of AFAD of all Visual Art programs have the opportunity to apply to this studio (with the necessity of fulfilling all studio requirements). If you are interested in an internal internship or an additional studio, use this one-semester option.

*Portrait of Matej Gavula, photo by Peter Sit

Matej Gavula (1972)

is a visual artist working in Bratislava. He graduated from the Department of Stone Sculpture at the High School of Art Industry and subsequently at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava in the Glass Studio. He works in the media of sculpture and object, photography, video, action and performance.

In the recent past, he presented his work at individual exhibitions

  • Exploding Star, Nová synagóga, Žilina (2023);
  • Drift, SAMA Grösslingová, Bratislava (2023), 
  • Dom obradov, Tabačka, Košice (2021), 
  • Abrazívna spoločnosť,, Bratislava (2019); 
  • Otras, HotDock project space, Bratislava (2019);
  • Stratená forma/Blind mould, SODA gallery, Bratislava (2018) a ďalšie.


If you are interested in attending this studio, please contact:


More about Matej Gavula's work


Matej Gavula: 1.
Matej Gavula: 2.
Matej Gavula: 3.
Matej Gavula: 4.
Matej Gavula: 5.
Author of media: Ján Kekeli.
Matej Gavula: 6.
Author of media: Peter Fabo.
Matej Gavula: 7.
Author of media: Peter Fabo.