Dvojstrana - all recordings available on the YouTube channel of the Medium Gallery

We are pleased to organize together with the Department of the Art Theory and Art History of the AFAD (Beata Jablonská) and with the Academic Library of the AFAD (Zuzana Lapitková) a series of events called Dvojstrana in 2023. 


All recordings available on the YouTube channel of the Medium Gallery.


A big thanks goes to all participating artists for their presentations, readings, performances and discussions with our great moderator Beata Jablonská! Thank you all, who participated in the making of this series, which was oscillating around the topic of the authorial book.


Visuals were made by Ema Kern, photographs were captured by Viki Kollerová and the recordings and postproduction were directed by Peter Važan. 



  • Palo Čejka a Tomáš Klepoch: Tajná dvojstrana

  • Zuzana Husárová: Plurály

  • Dana Tomečková a kolektív 1+1+1+1=1: Nikdy nič dvakrát

  • Andrej Dúbravský: Hello Dear Reader

  • Juraj Horváth: Codex Aigas - pokračovanie