2021 Diary
The AFAD DIARY was created as a new form of presentation of projects of VŠVU students. It not only creates new collaborations between photographers from the Department of Photography and New Media and other departments at the AFAD, but also brings art to the attention of the general public.
This year you will find work from all our departments in the diary, one of them will be presented every month.
The diary can be purchased in stores throughout Slovakia. It is currently available in the Medium Gallery.
19€/15€ (študenti)
- BRATISLAVA Slávica / Artforum / Kompot / Nosene / Gandy Gallery / Galéria MEDIUM / Just Lovely Cafe
- PEZINOK Artforum / Schaubmanov Mlyn SNG
- TRENČÍN Galéria Miloša Alexandra Bazovského GMAB
- BANSKÁ ŠTIAVNICA Galéria Jula Bindera
- LIPTOVSKÝ MIKULÁŠ Diera do sveta
- KOŠICE Artforum / Východoslovenská galéria / Šopa Gallery
Department of Architecture:
Grožáková Mirka, Mráz Lukáš, Nosko Dávid, Rybárová Vanesa, Sýkorová Ruth
Department of Photography and New Media:
Lančaričová Ema, Malinowska Paula , Nguyen Kvet, Ondo Viliam
Department of Printing and Other Media:
Hockicková Alexandra, Porubčanská Veronika, Štefanovičová Klára, Trnčeková Veronika
Department of Intermedia:
Houšťava Ondřej, Revická Viktória, Rýchlo Daniel, Takáčová Tatiana
Department of Painting:
Gottierová Simona, Kučera Šimon, Straka Radim, Šušovicová Nikola
Department of Design:
Baran Šimon, Galanský Šimon, Marko Ernest, Olejár Juraj, Riedl Jakub
Department of Conservation and Restoration:
Baráthová Kitti, Dvorský Denis, Kostolníková Dominika, Vídenská Eva
Department of Sculpture, Object, Installation:
Čarnecká Lucia, Hrvoľ Martin, Podoba Benjamín, Tóthová Mária
Department of Textiles:
Antalová Antonia, Bilichenko Diana, Marcineková Žofia, Muchová Veronika, Vaterková Jana
Department of Applied Art:
Abramovičová Nina, Dotsenko Arina, Kováč Igor, Šunová Lucia, Valušková Klára
Department of Visual Communication:
Cepková Ema, Galdík Peter, Gamanová Lucia, Mati Marek, Uhalová Zuzana
Division of Draving:
Durdík Patrik, Myloserdnyi Anton, Riedl Jakub
Oleksandra Bakushina, Lucia Gamanová, Paula Mal inowska, Kvet Nguyen, Eva Takácsová, 2020
Visual dramaturgy:
Oleksandra Bakushina, Lucia Gamanová, Paula Mal inowska, Kvet Nguyen, Eva Takácsová,
Dominiková Natália, Forus Ondrej, Golisová Karina, Guzmán Kučera Richard, Chren Matej, Knezlová Klementína, Leitmannová Silvia, Pacherová Nina, Pilát Jozef, Pisarčík Matúš, Urban Ondrej, Viazanička Ján,
Chrastinaror Pro, Chratisna Light — Chrastina Michal, Rozklad — Kollár Lukáš, Perfetto — Mažgútová Mariana,
Pergraphica Natural Rough 90g, Pergraphica Natural Rough 120g
Graphic design:
Lucia Gamanová
Dolisgoen, Bratislava
Special thanks:
Thanks to Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava for support.
Find works of students online at www.digitalnyprieskumvsvu.sk, Instagram: @digitalnyprieskumvsvu
Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.
päť & pól o.z., 2020, www.patapol.com, Instagram: @pat.a.pol