Workshop: Sound Jewellery with Fero Király
The ooo Association invites you to a workshop on sound synthesis and the creation of a multi-channel installation with lecturer Fero Király.
Medium Gallery, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Bratislava
18 - 19 OCTOBER 2024
Register here / Price: 7 EUR / Practical information
Workshop annotation:
Sound Jewellery is a workshop for aspiring sound*artists*female sound*artists, computer music composers*and all those and those who like to experiment and move at the intersection of technology and art. It is for those who are interested in sound synthesis, surround sound, sound programming in the open source language SuperCollider and are open to collaboration, new experiences and experimentation.
The workshop will include an introduction to the SuperCollider language, collaborative experimentation and the creation of a sound jewellery spatial intervention in the context of the exhibition Contemporary Jewellery as a Communication Tool, which will take place at the Medium Gallery in October 2024.
The workshop is part of the ooo Association's Digitotools art-education series exploring the relationship between digital technologies and artistic practice.
About the Lecturer
Fero Király (1979) je umelec a pedagóg (VŠVU). Zaoberá sa projektmi s presahom do performance, soundartu a zvukových inštalácií, interpretáciam súčasnej hudby, vývojom vlastných audiovizuálnych nástrojov, ako aj edukačnými projektmi v oblasti hudby, multimédií a kreatívneho programovania. Využíva pri tom nové hraničné experimentálne polohy, vytvára si vlastné digitálne nástroje a rád spolupracuje na projektoch s inými umelcami s viacdisciplinárnym zameraním. Spoločne s Evou Vozárovou vedie občianske združenie ooo, ktoré je hlavnou platformou pre tieto aktivity, a kurátoruje intermediálne medzinárodné podujatie JAMA.
Practical info
- Participants*will need to bring their own laptop with SuperCollider ( ) installed and their own headphones to the workshop.
- Previous knowledge of SuperCollider is an advantage, but not required.
- The workshop will take place over two days at the Medium Gallery in Bratislava.
- The capacity of the workshop is limited. Max 15 participants*women.
- Participation age: 18+
- Friday, October 18, afternoon from 15:00
- Saturday, Oct. 19 afternoon from 12:00 p.m.
- Exact times TBA
- The workshop will culminate in a public performance on Saturday evening.
- The workshop is organized in collaboration with Medium Gallery.
- The workshop is part of the series Digitotools and the year-long project ooo_2024. ooo_2024 is supported by the Slovak Arts Council as the main public partner. Thank you!