The Paradoxes of Boris Németh’s Photographic Images
The exhibition of photographic images by Boris Németh offers the viewer a selection of the photographer’s stories seen from a particular point of view.
Curator: Juraj Mojžiš
Architect of the exhibition: Marcel Benčík
Even the title of the publication that accompanies The Paradoxes of Boris Németh’s Photographic Images exhibition reveals the meaning and narration of the chosen perspective. However, these images do not speak exclusively about the paradoxes of human existence. They also speak of events of poetry and strange (perhaps even uplifting) moments that are affirmed and continued in the viewer’s imagination. They are certainly full of irony, collisions of logic, common misunderstandings, and exceptionally simple blunders. Nonetheless, Németh’s paradoxes are actually shaped in the spirit of a Barthesian underlined contrast and are visualized upon traditional principles of compositional structure, which he equally uses to heighten the sense of the seeming meaninglessness of the paradox.
Németh is a photojournalist for a weekly paper with a clear political orientation. Understandably, his photographic images thus concern (and even emphasize) current events, which he documents in direct correlation to their political significance. In the above context, however, Németh’s photographic images represent both a recognition of the world as well as a literal vision of it. Why is this? Because we can speak primarily of the political significance of Németh’s paradoxes, and this shift in the communication interface is accompanied by a certain degree of pathos – the pathos found in Németh’s photography.
Juraj Mojžiš, curator
The exhibition is a part of the Month of Photography.
The exhibition was supported from public funds by the Art Support Fund.