Illusion and Virtual Reality in Arts
The selection of the works will link a traditional art history issue to its current metamorphoses under the influence of digital technologies.
Exhibiting artists: András Cséfalvay, Jaroslav Kyša, Katarína Poliačiková, Danica Pišteková, Dorota Sadovská, Ján Šicko, Jaroslav Varga
Authors of concept: Marian Zervan and Ivan Gerát
Curator: Dr. Miroslav Haľák
A series of thematic exhibitions and conferences organised by the NOVUM Foundation, focusing on the works of the competition’s finalists, will continue in 2020 introducing an exhibition, a conference and a publication on the topic of "Illusion and Virtual Reality in Arts". The selection of the works will link a traditional art history issue to its current metamorphoses under the influence of digital technologies. Accompanying events will complement art history and philosophical reflection on the topic.