Illusion and Virtual Reality in Arts

The selection of the works will link a traditional art history issue to its current metamorphoses under the influence of digital technologies.

Exhibiting artists: András Cséfalvay, Jaroslav Kyša, Katarína Poliačiková, Danica Pišteková, Dorota Sadovská, Ján Šicko, Jaroslav Varga
Authors of concept: Marian Zervan and Ivan Gerát
Curator: Dr. Miroslav Haľák

A series of thematic exhibitions and conferences organised by the NOVUM Foundation, focusing on the works of the competition’s finalists, will continue in 2020 introducing an exhibition, a conference and a publication on the topic of "Illusion and Virtual Reality in Arts". The selection of the works will link a traditional art history issue to its current metamorphoses under the influence of digital technologies. Accompanying events will complement art history and philosophical reflection on the topic.

Poster for exhibition Illusion and Virtual Reality in Arts