The Department of Architecture cordially invites to Asya Ilguns ONLINE lecture: 2 COMPLEX 4 ME. CO-CREATION FOR COHABITATION



In MS Teams - access through THIS LINK.



29.11.2022, 5 p.m.

(changed from original planned date, November 10)


The lecture will be held in english.



This talk is about technical and philosophical approaches to biohybrid Design for enhancing interspecies cooperation in urban ecosystems.


 Asya Ilgun is a designer and researcher. Her main territory of research-by-design is framed as experimental ways of using digital technologies (computational design, deposition-based additive manufacturing, and biotechnologies) to make new types of structures that breed the questioning of architectural boundaries, supporting the dual occupancy of humans and other living organisms.

She holds a Master in Architecture from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts – Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation (KADK) in the programme CITAstudio: Computation in Architecture. Currently, she is a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Architecture and Media, Technical University of Graz while conducting her research at Artificial Life Lab of Institute of Biology, University of Graz, Austria. Her role in this group is to think of the material interfaces where biology and technology merge, within the design, material and fabrication track of the FET-EU project HIVEOPOLIS - a technologically enhanced housing for honeybees.

Asya is interested in various scales of design prototyping, generally embedded in complex ecosystems, and their public communication via Maker Platforms. She is a member of Distributed Design Market Platform-EU which is a networking project dedicated to connect fablabs, maker spaces to designers and makers across Europe. In addition, she recently collaborated with several designers and researchers to initiate a community of multispecies thinkers, designers and researchers with a 3 weeks I.N.S.E.C.T. Summer Camp which hosted 45 people in total. Together with this emerging and growing community, her goal is to create biohybrid design methodologies that are easily accessible to the general public, which will feed into multispecies philosophy that includes human technology.


The lecture is carried out within the project: KEGA 003VŠVU-4/2020