Travel the world! Scholarships to all countries of the world!

SAIA ngo in cooperation with International Office of AFAD invite you to an online webinar about scholarship opportunities abroad:



  • December 5 (Tuesday) 2023 at 3 p.m.


Study, research and language stays for students, doctoral students and university teachers!

The event is intended for students, doctoral students, university teachers and researchers who are interested in traveling abroad for study, research or language stays.


Webinar program:

  • Academic mobility - scholarships awarded on the basis of intergovernmental agreements and offers from foreign governments in Europe and the world
  • CEEPUS - Central European exchange program for university studies
  • NŠP - National scholarship program of the Slovak Republic - scholarships to any country in the world
  • Action Austria-Slovakia - cooperation in science and education
  • EURAXESS - Guide to the mobility of researchers


We are looking forward to you!







*Cover image created using royalty free images from Pexels (Suzy Hazeelwood, Steve).