Performance: Zuzana Husárová – Climbing over books
Zuzana Husárová's performance combines the live reading of texts from Igor Gazdík's personal library with the poetry of a neural network called Liza Gennart.
Slovak National Gallery
Esterházy, 1st floor
Rázusovo nábrežie 2, Bratislava
29.09.2023, 5 p.m.
About the event
The generated poems of Liza Gennart (trained on more than 2,000 sources, mainly Slovak poetry) will be projected in audiovisual form in a space that pays respect to bibliophilia. The thematic aspect of this format is mutual dialogue and the search for connections between the range of human reading positions and the spatial representation of machine writing.
Zuzana Husárová
is a scientist and author of electronic literature. She creates experimental, sound poetry and poetic performances in a transmedia interface. She works as a teacher at the AFAD in Bratislava, she is the editor of the gender-oriented magazine Glosolália. She created the interactive neural network project that writes poetry together with Ľubomír Panák.
Cooperation on the program
- Sylvia Jokelová, Viera Kleinová
FB event