Pavel Baghy: NIGHT LIGHT

In cooperation with the AFAD, the Gallery of the National Bank of Slovakia presents the second solo exhibition this year. It is the exhibition of emerging visual author Pavel Baghy "Night Light", which is accessible to the public during the opening hours of the National Bank of Slovakia at Imrich Karvaš Street 1 in Bratislava, from April 11 to June 29, 2023.



  • Exhibition duration: April 11 - June 29, 2023


About the exhibition

The exhibition of a young graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava points to the artificial/night lighting of the displayed scenery and figures. It presents a selection from two painting cycles – Digital Ruin (2022) and Artificial Landscape (2020), supplemented by one older painting Iceberg, after C. D. F. (2018) and three older figurative paintings dominated by artificial night lighting. However, together they create a compact set of painting works installed in two exhibition spaces of the gallery.


Artificial Landscape
Pavel Baghy: Artificial Landscape.
Where is the mind
Pavel Baghy: Where is the mind.
Digital ruin I
Pavel Baghy: Digital ruin I.

The selection of works in the curatorial concept of Andrej Jaroš presents classical oil painting. In his works, the author purposefully manipulates scenes of destroyed architecture and landscape, which are the digital content of news and articles not only in print, but also on the Internet. In the depicted scenes, their original documentary intent gradually disappears and an abstracted, schematic form is created. Any specificty is erased in the works, but at the same time they subconsciously retain something of the character and attributes of the original real space. In his work, he experiments both ideologically and technologically, and his work is characterized by overlaps of the digital and analog worlds, especially classical painting and digital images.

In addition to free creative work, Pavel Baghy participated in the creation of visual effects for Slovak and Czech films - Martin and the secret of the forest (2021, director: Peter Okroupec), Svetlonoc (2022, director: Tereza Nvotová) and the forthcoming film Ema a Smrtihlav (2023, director: Iveta Grófova).



Virtual tour