Silver Schools: STUDIO S + M + L_XL

Exhibition of studio in Poland

Ring Gallery, Main Square 12, Legnica, Poland

Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday: 12:00 – 6:00 p.m.

The NEW CONSTELLATIONS exhibition is a documentation of works by students and professors of STUDIO S + M + L_XL – METAL AND JEWELLERY. The constelation roughly translates as "meeting of the stars". Followers of astrology believe that the constellations have a significant influence on people, their relationships and events, while the Greek poet Homer used the term "cosmos" to refer to a gem. The exhibition provides an insight into the brain's creative processes during creation. It focuses on the perception of the human body on different levels, as well as the interplay between bodies and between the body and the jewel. Jewellery is seen as an autonomous artistic medium that develops parallelly to other spheres of art and is influenced by them, while also affecting them. The aim of the exhibition is to visualise the specificity of the studies, which include pragmatic tasks – based on concepts, experimental works as well as emotional and intuitive ones.

The exhibition was supported from public sources by the Art Support Fund.

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