scite_ Masterclass for Researchers, Students and Publishers – online seminar

The seminar will be addressed by Michele Avissar-Whiting, PhD, Editor-in-Chief of Research Square, about how her scite helps her work, and Josh Nicholson, PhD, co-founder and CEO of scite, will introduce you to the expertise and technology behind the project. in-depth citation analysis.

Application and other informations

The webinar will be in English, it will be a video recording.

The scite online service provides not only a quantitative, but especially a qualitative view of how scientific publications cite each other. It analyzes the full texts of more than 1 billion scholarly articles and uses its in-depth learning model to provide information for each publication, how many times it has been cited, but especially in what context it has been cited by other authors and whether the citation provides confirmatory or negative evidence. it's just a mention.

More about scite