Material Flow
You are cordially invited to the exhibition opening of the Material flow.
MEDIUM Gallery, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Bratislava
Exhibition opening: September 6th, 2022, 6pm
Duration: 7. 9. -16 .9. 2022
Workshop for the students of the AFAD: 5. – 6. 9. 2022
Material flow is a participatory artwork, which is being realized as open to the public. In the beginning of the exhibition a two-day-workshop of soft materials will take place under the supervision of MgA. Lucia Horňáková Černayová and MgA. Andrea Kaňkovská for the students of the AFAD at the MEDIUM Gallery in Bratislava.
The outcome of the workshop will be a participatory processual site-specific installation, which will be on view at the gallery between September 6th and September 16th. The result of the workshop – an artwork, will be open for visitors and participants, it will offer them to work with the installation, to modify it, to document and share. The invitation to transform the work will be present in the space as an audio recording, as a part of the work itself.
The first two days, i.e. September 5th-6th, will be devoted to the collaborative workshop for students of the AFAD, which will focus on the work with soft sculptural materials. They will recycle and experiment with the collection of the soft materials from the authors of the exhibition. Workshop is focused on exploring the materials, their features, their possible use, mutual relationship and their relationship to the space of the MEDIUM Gallery.
The used materials will be: textile from the former Merina factory in Trenčín, the rests from the cotton fabric, old clothes and fabric, non-woven textile, foams – in figurative and abstract forms, felt, ropes and cords, tubes.
These materials will be available to the participants so that they can transform them with cutting, knotting, sewing with hands or machines or other connections. They will be applied in the space of the gallery in the relationship with its features. The spatial arrangement of the object/objects will be created as a part of the workshop with various hooks and strings in the walls and ceiling, or by using a ventilator and inflating the objects.
To enroll to the workshop (which will take part in Slovak and Czech language) write us to, or DM us via IG account @materialflowproject. The number of the participants is max. 10, free entrance.
The deadline for the enrolment is 2.9.2022.
Dear visitors and participants!
We are inviting you to take part in the project, to document the transformation of the exhibition space and to share the whole process on Instagram with the hashtag #materialflowproject. We are looking forward to collaborating with you!
*During the exhibition the space will be controlled and possibly adjusted if the interventions of the visitors would be too destructive, so that it will serve well during the entire duration of the exhibition.
- Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.
- This project was financially supported by Bratislava Self-Governing Region Council.
- We are thankful for the support of the MEDIUM Gallery, NGO HALA and companies BPP spol s.r.o and Audov s.r.o.
- Media partner of the MEDIUM Gallery is