Markéta Nováková: Life-giving porcelain
We cordially invite you to the opening and exhibition of Markéta Nováková at the Museum of Beroun Ceramics in Beroun, Czech Republic. The grand opening will take place on Saturday, September 7, 2024, from 6:30 p.m.
Múzeum berounskej keramiky
Zámečnická 14
266 01 Beroun -
TUE - SUN 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. CET
Vernissage: Saturday 7. 9. 2024, 6:30 pm. CET
- Music: Ladislav Horák, accordion
Duration: 7.9. - 3.11. 2024
More information:
- The exhibition will be part of the Czech* celebrations of European Heritage Days and will also take place on the occasion of the 28th Pottery Market in Beroun.
*European heritage days in Slovakia are not taking place this year, for reasons see
- Dita Hálová, curator of contemporary design, glass, ceramics and porcelain.
Markéta Nováková
graduated from the Faculty of Applied Art and Design, J.E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem in the Ceramics and Porcelain Studio led by Assoc. prof. ak. soch. Pavel Jarkovský in the bachelor's degree and in the Ceramics Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, in the master's degree. Here she also completed her doctoral studies in the same studio with Assoc. prof. akad. soch. Ivica Vidrová. Since 2009, she has been working at AFAD first as an assistant, then as an assistant professor in the Ceramics Studio under Assoc. prof. Mgr. A. Daniel Piršč, defended her doctorate here and currently leads the Preparatory Course in Ceramics and the Department of Applied Arts. In addition to pedagogy, she is engaged in exhibition and curatorial work, as well as her own design work. Symptomatic of her work is the careful search for the final shape, even a certain geometric austerity. The intermingling of mostly solid, tight conical shapes disturbed by cuts, decor, or structure and natural motifs. It is the structure, getting to know it, exploring it in different materials and then transferring and multiplying it in porcelain that brings an original, author's journey. Her work is represented in collections in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and abroad (e.g. Poland, Argentina). She is exhibiting exceptionally in the Czech Republic, for the first time since 2018!