Kristína G. Rypáková: Exploring Randomness
We cordially invite you to the Medium Gallery for the opening of the exhibition Kristína G. Rypáková: Exploring Randomness on August 15, 2024.
MEDIUM gallery,
Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Bratislava
Opening: Thursday August 15, 2024, 6 p.m.
Duration: 16.8. – 29.9.2024
Monika Mitášová
We invite you to the opening of the exhibition Exploring Randomness / Skúmanie náhody. It features works that architect Kristína G. Rypáková created last year during her research stay at the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) in Boston as part of the Fulbright Slovakia scholarship program. The author addresses the question of how randomness and stochastic processes in nature and culture can participate in the process of architectural design. The hypotheses, their interpretations, as well as the digital images and digital/physical models that are part of and result from this research, were designed using artificial intelligence (AI) tools and created using 3D printing technology. Three of the 3D printers are also part of the exhibition.
- This project was financially supported by Bratislava Self-Governing Region.
- This project was financially supported by the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.