Jama Festival – 78th edition of Milan Adamčiak

We invite you to this year's edition of the JAMA festival in Banská Bela and Banská Štiavnica. It will take place on Friday and Saturday, October 11 and 12. As part of the rich program, many members of the student and teaching staff of our school will also perform as usual.


  • Banská Štiavnica, Banská Belá and surroundings




The annual event (and more) in the dramaturgical concept of Fero Király and Eva Vozárová, marking the years of Milan Adamčiak, is once again approaching. We invite you to the 78th edition, taking place in Banská Štiavnica, Banská Belá, and surrounding areas.

At JAMA 78, we will explore peripheries and their osmosis into artistic and life practices. We will delve into the substrate where it all brews and bubbles. We will celebrate simple folk ingenuity. We will investigate natural tunings from non-European peripheries, map fandom, as well as local and global myths and superstitions. We will experience life in the discomfort of indirect paths and peripheral halls. We will visit meadows, forests, mines, and barns. And yes, you can participate! Who said you have to be just a spectator at JAMA?



  • Catherine Lamb (US/DE)
  • EnsembleSpectrum (SK)
  • Kasha Potrohosh (UA/SK)
  • Robo Švarc (SK)
  • Bári Raklóri a Lucia G. Stach (SK)
  • Džumelec (SK)
  • Dávid Koronczi (SK)
  • Ján Kralovič (SK)
  • Petra Fornayová (SK)
  • Banská St a nica Contemporary – Zuzana Bodnárová, Svätopluk Mikyta (SK)
  • Dominik Hlinka (SK)
  • Celestína Minichová (SK)
  • and more...


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