It's hard to live easily

The Nitra gallery and authors cordially invite you to the exhibition It's hard to live easily and its opening on December 15, 2022.

It is said that a person is loaded "only" as much as he can really carry... After all, that is unbearable... Are we loaded to lose or to gain? Someone dies, the earth shakes… and someone else's life goes on. Are the events that happen to us in our lives a matter of chance or a "power higher"? Or are we "just" born into an (un)suitable environment? Are we the ones who make decisions about our lives, or do we just naively fantasize that we have everything in our hands? What about the empty and painful places in life?


Event location:

Reprezentačné sály, Nitrianska galéria
Župné námestie 3
949 01 Nitra


Opening: Deccember 15, 2022 at 6 p.m.

Exhibition duration 16. 12. 2022 – 19. 2. 2023


Exhibiting artists:

Robert Gabriš, Nikoleta Gazdová, Lilla Gombos, Nicol Hochholzerová, Michael Luzsicza, Silvia Krivošíková, Mikuláš Podprocký, Emöke Vargová, Anabela Žigová



Ľudmila Kasaj Poláčková