We cordially invite you to the Grand Opening, which will take place on Friday, November 10, 2023 at 6 p.m. in the Jozef Kollár Gallery. We will open four exhibitions of contemporary art by artists from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. All exhibitions are thematically focused on environmental issues, which we will focus on in terms of content in the gallery from 2021.
Jozef Kollár Gallery
Sv. Trojice sq. 8, Banska Stiavnica, Slovakia
10. November 10 at 6 p.m.
Several artists from AFAD will present themselves at the exhibition:
Klaudia Kosziba * Jaro Kyša a Anton Čierny * Lucia Večerná
Exhibitions being opened:
Klaudia Kosziba: Rytmus záchrany (Rhythm of rescue)
Guest: Erika Szőke
Curator: Mária Janušová
Room: Štukovka
Duration: 11.11.2023 – 29.9.2024
Exhibition partners: Banska Bystrica self-governing region, LITA, Chateau Topoľčianky
The exhibition of the painter Klaudia Kosziba will present the author's new artistic position, where, inspired by nature, she crosses the boundaries of painting towards the sculptural language.
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Jaroslav Kyša: Okraj víru (The edge of the vortex)
Guests: Katarína Bajkayová, Anton Čierny, Jakub Juhás, Erik Vilím
Room: Great hall
Duration: 11.11.2023 – 28.4.2024
Exhibition partners: AFAD, Novum Foundation, LITA, Chateau Topoľčianky
The exhibition presents the author's most current work, dealing with the theme of slow geological time. Through the metaphor of human impossibility to imagine the enormous length of geological time and the power of the processes of the earth itself, the author, on the contrary, comments on the accelerated world around us. Where and when did we fully feel that the world flows around us?
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Lucia Večerná: Tekuté ostrovy zabúdania (Liquid islands of oblivion)
Room: Pod klenbami
Duration: 11.11.2023 – 3.3.2024
Exhibition partners: LITA, Chateau Topoľčianky
- The exhibition will present the results of the author's research on the transformation of the ecosystem of the inland Danube delta.
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Cesty vedú do polí a končia, kde nič nebolí
(Roads lead to fields and end where nothing hurts)
Exhibitors: Matěj Boček, Vendula Heř, Kateřina Kábová, Kateřina Rafaelová
Music performance: energiehidingseason ~ live
Duration: 11.11.2023 – 28.4.2024
Exhibition partners: Banska Bystrica self-governing region, LITA, Chateau Topoľčianky
- The exhibition will try to redefine what nature means to us. Do we find a place for ourselves among all her/our parts? The exhibition will be an adventure leading along the warm paths of countries of divided times and spaces.
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