Feeding the feeding system: performative dinner

We invite you to the Performative dinner of the art group Feeding the feeding system, which reflects current events in society.



  • 19.4.2024 at 21:00



Viktória Gajdošová, Vivien Kvasnicová, Sarah Valovičová

Actor: krishpin



Our initiative emerged from the collective need for bond and solidarity and the feeling of an absence of safe spaces in the local cultural scene. By embracing all kinds of diversity, Blob collective platform aims to function as a form of empowerment, both from and for the local queer community, which is under constant attack of public hate speech from political authorities and Slovak society as such. Our platform stands in solidarity with all marginalized communities of people who are facing daily discrimination based on their ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation in Slovakia.

These days, due to recent events in the Slovak political sphere and cultural sector, we need to stand in solidarity together more than ever before. We believe that building a sense of community and working collaboratively despite recent political events is a powerful act of resistance. Let’s stick together in glory.


Feeding the feeding system: performative dinner