Ema Lančaričová, Veronika Šmírová: The Universe of Technical Images
We cordially invite you to the opening of Ema Lančarovičová and Veronika Šmírová at the Youth Gallery in the Nitra gallery. The opening entitled The Universe of Technical Images will take place on Thursday, April 20. at 18:00.
- Nitrianska galéria
Župné námestie 3
949 01 Nitra
- Nitrianska galéria
Opening: 20. 4. 2023, 6 p.m.
Exhibition duration: 21. 4. - 11. 6. 2023
Curated by:
- Dominika Chrzanová
The Universe of Technical Images
The Universe of Technical Images is the title of a joint exhibition by the photographer Ema Lančaričová and visual artist Veronika Šmírová, who have now joined their exhibition forces for the second time. They cover various themes related to the digital world and digital environment where we all live, work and use digital technologies to reflect upon.
The Universe of Technical Images is an exhibition by the photographer Ema Lančaričová and visual artist Veronika Šmírová. The exhibition title is adopted from the original publication “Into the Universe of Technical Images” written by Vilém Flusser, published in 1985. The book describes the author’s predictions about the development of technologies and their impact on the future, in which we already live today. Technical images represent photographs, videos, films, television or computer screens (including smartphones and tablets of today) which have taken the role of linear/written texts and turned them into images, thus acquiring a more simple and especially faster form factor and source of information.
Our world has been digitalised from the ground up and the main role has been given to the camera, which has initiated this shift and remained the main source of imagery until today. The camera is also the central motif of Ema Lančaričová whose exhibited works switch the positions of the observer and the observed object in her series titled Why look at cameras. Her creative program incorporates Polaroid materials, which are processed using the latest technologies like the Polaroid Lab Printer, which tend to partially strip them of their uniqueness and originality, but at the same time they offer the possibility of hybrid photography.
The artists’ exhibition project also addresses the matter of the large amounts of digital data which are very easy to manipulate, change their number, appearance, purpose, etc. Veronika Šmírová’s contribution to the exhibition is in the form of a projection referring to a physical quantity—entropy, which measures the disorder or randomness of a system. The work makes use of its visual and interactive elements to highlight the dynamic properties of the digital space which can be easily modified.
Figuratively, the exhibition also talks about the order and control that technical images deliver, but also about the chaos and organic properties provided by man.
Ema Lančaričová (*1993)
is currently a doctoral student at AFAD (The Academy of Fine Arts and Design) in Bratislava where she received her Masters’ Degree at the Department of Photography and New Media in 2020. She primarily works with instant and analogue photography while her work is based on philosophical contexts and experimental approaches. Her work explores various questions related to the medium of photography, she asks what is a photograph and what does photography mean today.
Veronika Šmírová (*1994)
is currently a doctoral student at the Studio of Digital Media at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica. Some of the characteristic features of her work include interactivity and digital media. Her artistic research currently focuses on the connection between art and various scientific disciplines, their rules and research procedures.