Ema Lančaričová: UTOPIA
We cordially invite you to the opening of Ema Lančarovičová's exhibition UTOPIA in the city park in Prievidza.
Squarol - Prievidza city park
- Riečna 1763, 971 01 Ukrniská
Opening: July 11, 2023, 6 p.m.
Exhibition duration: July 11, 2023 - September 4, 2023
About the exhibition
The word utopia comes from the Greek word οὐ (not) and τόπος (place) and means "non-place" or non-existent place.
Within the philosophical context of the theory of photography, the author points out the fact that the constellation captured by the photographer is a mixture of four-dimensional space, the quantity of time and the flow of light.
Thanks to this, it transforms the existence of objects and subjects into a photographic record. The central motif of the work represents the column as a basic building element.
Repetitiveness refers to an inexhaustible set of capturing possibilities. Polaroid photographs confirm the existence of the depicted colonnade. However, the author continues to play with the fragile boundary of capturing reality, when she creates her own model of the column and its constructed environment.
Frozen time in photographs is as if trapped, it has no possibility of return or progress, and therefore we can understand the photographed slice of time and place as non-place, non-time.
Photography is a utopia in itself. It is an idealized state.
Ema Lančaričová
is a visual artist, working mainly with analog and instant photography. He searches for the essence of photography in his works. It focuses on basic variables such as time, light and space, but also their negations. He bases his work on a philosophical context and an experimental approach. For her, the workshops are a way to bring some of these approaches closer to people - be it historical photographic techniques or new ways of working with instant photography. In theoretical works, he examines changes in the photographic medium nowadays. He is currently studying for a doctoral degree at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava.