Dvojstrana: Plurals
We cordially invite you to the debate about experimental literature with Zuzana Husárová, accompanied by a performative reading by the author and a sound-poetic performance. Communication language: Slovak
- 18:00 - performative reading, Medium Gallery
- 18:30 - debate, Academic Library of AFAD
- 19:05 - sound-poetic performance, Medium Gallery
The event took place on May 31, 2023.
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Zuzana Husárová
is an author and theoretician of electronic literature and digital media, she also creates experimental and sound poetry and poetic performances, she works academically at the Department of Digital Arts, the Academy of Visual Arts and Design, externally at the Faculty of Arts MU in Brno and is the executive editor of the gender-oriented magazine Glosolália. She has published poetry books liminal, lucent, amoeba, Hyper, co-edited the academic publications In the Network of Central Europe: not only about Electronic Literature (with B. Suwara) and ENTER+ Repurposing in Electronic Literature (with M. Mencía), and with Ľubomir Panák she created, among other interactive projects, the neural network Liza Gennart (book The Results of Emergence).

The event takes place within the framework of Dvojstrana, the joint project of the Academic Library AFAD, the Department of Theory and History of Art, and the Medium Gallery.