Alexandra Barth, Uľjana Zmetáková: Dvojice
We cordially invite you to the Medium Gallery for the opening of the exhibition Alexandra Barth, Uľjana Zmetáková: Dvojice on August 15, 2024.
MEDIUM gallery,
Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Bratislava
Opening: Thursday August 15, 2024, 6 p.m.
Duration: 16.8. – 29.9.2024
Matúš Novosad
The exhibition of Alexandra Barth (1989) and Uľjana Zmetáková (1951) combines the works of these artists into pairs, hence the title of the exhibition. The closeness between them was created without direct influence. In the Slovak artistic context, it is thus possible to observe a unique relationship between the artists, separated by half a century. Parallels are present on the basis of technique and themes from their immediate environment. The exhibition captures a unique moment of meeting of different but also close images.
- This project was financially supported by Bratislava Self-Governing Region.