AFAD graduate exhibitions live this year!

After a one-year break, presentations of diploma theses of students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava are returning to the exhibition spaces in Bratislava.

This year we managed to organize several exhibitions in various venues of Bratislava, where departments or studios will be presented. In addition to the school building on Drotárska cesta 44, you will also find our exhibitions in private galleries and public institutions, such as the House of Arts, OD Dunaj or Open gallery.



10. 8. o 17:00 - Open gallery, Baštová 5, Bratislava (Architecture)
11. 8. o 18:00 - Dom umenia, Nám. SNP 12, Bratislava (Painting)


Mirka Grožáková, Viliam Jankovič, Oksana Natalenko, Vanesa Rybárová, Christopher Varga

Open gallery, Baštová 5, Bratislava
August 12 – 27, 2021
Mon – Fri: 14:00 – 18:00

Launch of the 2019/20 DUNAJ yearbook during the exhibition.


Diploma and end semester works

Dušan Amrich, Petr Baďura, Vladimír Boroň, Šimon Galanský, Simona Glonská, Diego Hernando, Lenka Erd, Jaroslav Kormanec, Samuli Maliniemi, Klaudia Melišová, Mário Nôta, Katarína Ozimáková, Jakub Riedl, Šimon Rigas, Volodymyr Serhachov, Jakub Štrbák, Jakub Štrpka, Veronika Tomová

OD Dunaj, Námestie SNP 188, Bratislava
August 12 – 29, 2021, Daily: 14:00 – 19:00


Diploma and bachelor works

Antónia Antalová, Juliána Brnáková, Kristína Čakyová, Lenka Hyšková, Ivana Janigová, Alexandra Kondáčová, Veronika Muchová, Michaela Turanská, Klára Věntusová

Online screening of graduates fashion film – you can find on the YouTube channel and Instagram of Ateliér 343.

OD Dunaj, Námestie SNP 188, Bratislava
August 12 – 29, 2021, Daily: 14:00 – 19:00


Paulína Ščepková

Galéria Station Contemporary Gallery, Ul. Gustáva Mallého 2, Bratislava
August 10 – 15, 2021
Available by agreement: 0915 373 254

Michaela Koprdová
Galéria Kalab, Zámocká 5, Bratislava
10. - 12. 8. 2021
Available by agreement: 0915 450 787 or 0915 380 227 

Hoa Nguyen Thi
SODA gallery, Školská 10, Bratislava
August 3 – 27, 2021


Romana Bejdová, Alžbeta Božeková, Barbara Gocníková, Davor Kolarski, Michal Laskovič, Daniel Matula, Helga Pavelková, Daniel Rerko, Rudolf Suran, Kristián Štupák, Daniela Vagašová, Klaudia Zorgovská

Studios – č. 125, 202, 205, 206, 214, 216, 219

AFAD, Drotárska cesta 44, Bratislava

August 10 -13, 2021

Open: 10:00 – 16:00


Pavel Baghy, Lucia Dunajová, Richard Kašický, Šimon Kučera, Karin Langová, Stanislav Macko, Stanislav Ondruš, Lucia Žitnayová

Dom umenia

Námestie SNP 12, Bratislava

Opening: August 11 at 18:00

August 12 – 29, 2021

Mon: 12:00 - 19:00 / Tue: closed / Wed: 13:00 - 20:00 / Thu - Sun: 12:00 - 19:00


Kristína Doležalová, Michal Golák, Soňa Halásová
Studios of KSOI
AFAD, Drotárska cesta 44, Bratislava
August 11 – 13, 2021

Monika Sičová
Prepoštská 4, Bratislava
August 11 – 13, 2021


Lýdia Ondrušová
Studio n° 175
AFAD, Drotárska cesta 44, Bratislava
August 10 - 15, 2021

Jelisaveta Rapaić
Studio n° 174
AFAD, Drotárska cesta 44, Bratislava
August 10 – 15, 2021


Igor Kováč, Kristína Ligačová
Glass Studio n° 103
AFAD, Drotárska cesta 44, Bratislava

Eva Hudecová, Viktor Kováč
S+M+L_XL Studio – Metal and Jewel n° 368
AFAD, Drotárska cesta 44, Bratislava

Barbora Šuláková
Ceramics Studio n° 177
AFAD, Drotárska cesta 44, Bratislava


Karolína Brenkusová, Samuel Eisner, Valentina Kazaková, Adriana Mišková, Linda Pavelková, Jozef Sklenka, Dominik Šarlina, Kristína Uličná, Viktória Vičíková

Studios n° 303, 304, 305, 229, 240.

AFAD, Drotárska cesta 44, Bratislava

Online stream of defense on August 10. – 11., 2021, 9:00 – 12:00 on Facebook of the KVK – Katedra vizuálnej komunikácie

General partner of the AFAD: Tatra banka


Exhibition partners:

Logo Dom umenia
Logo ctp