Adriana Remiášová, Elena Špirengová, Simona Tabačková: Soul Pissing
We cordially invite everyone to the opening of the exhibition of three students of the University of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava of the Studio of Free Printmaking on March 14 at 18:00 in A4 - Space For Contemporary Culture
A4 – Space For Contemporary Culture
Karpatská 2 (YMCA building), Bratislava
Opening: 14.3.2024 18.00
Duration of the exhibition: 15.3. - 14.4.2024
More info
Curator: Aliza Orlan

Soul Pissing
is an exhibition of three students from the Academy of Fine Arts, printmaking department. They are united not only by a generation statement, but also by work with the medium of drawing and graphics. At the same time, each of the authors in her work pushes the boundaries of her own work, combines them, whether it is textiles, painting or work with text. Authors experiment with classic principles of media, where their unique approach and updating to the present is shown.
The name soul pissing hides anger, joy, frustration, experiencing romantic relationships. The authors work with emotions that are at the edges of the spectrum and can often get us into extreme situations, either in a positive or negative sense. At the exhibition they try to point out that moderation is sometimes not enough, that sometimes it is necessary (raise the stick) to verbalize our feelings and not fall into passive aggression, which often happens in our personal and work relationships.
Art, music, poetry can outline in an excellent way, but at the same time cannot tell everything. The aim of the exhibition is not to reveal everything, but rather to indicate, so the viewer can easily find his own interpretations in the works. Our emotional experience is a strong human statement that can connect us across generations and lead to a mutual dialogue.
Supported using public funds by Slovak Arts Council and Bratislava City Foundation