New books

New books in Academic Library of AFAD.

Abascal Valdenebro, Macarena; Wood and Iron: Industrial Interiors; Barcelona, Paríž: booq publishing, S.L, Editions du Layeur, 2019
Abascal Valdenebro, Macarena; Wood and Iron: Industrial Interiors; Barcelona, Paríž: booq publishing, S.L, Editions du Layeur, 2019.
Axel Vervoordt: Portraits of Interiors;  Paríž: Flammarion, 2019
Axel Vervoordt: Portraits of Interiors;  Paríž: Flammarion, 2019.
Baskinger, Mark; Bardel, William; Drawing Ideas: A Hand-Drawn Approach for Better Design; New York: Watson-Guptill, 2013
Baskinger, Mark; Bardel, William; Drawing Ideas: A Hand-Drawn Approach for Better Design; New York: Watson-Guptill, 2013.
Belgium Family Style; Tokio: édition PAUMES, 2010
Belgium Family Style; Tokio: édition PAUMES, 2010.
Borges, Sofia; Ehmann, Sven; Galindo, Michelle; Klanten, Robert; The New Nomads: Temporary Spaces and a Life on the Move; Berín: Gestalten, 2015
Borges, Sofia; Ehmann, Sven; Galindo, Michelle; Klanten, Robert; The New Nomads: Temporary Spaces and a Life on the Move; Berín: Gestalten, 2015.
Children´s rooms "Copenhagen"  Tokio: édition PAUMES, 2008
Children´s rooms "Copenhagen"  Tokio: édition PAUMES, 2008.
Eissen, Koos; Steur Roselien; Sketching: drawing techniques for product designers; Amsterdam: BIS Publishers, 2020
Eissen, Koos; Steur Roselien; Sketching: drawing techniques for product designers; Amsterdam: BIS Publishers, 2020.
Eissen, Koos; Steur Roselien; Sketching: the basics; Amsterdam: BIS Publishers, 2020
Eissen, Koos; Steur Roselien; Sketching: the basics; Amsterdam: BIS Publishers, 2020.
Finland Apartments; Tokio: édition PAUMES, 2011
Finland Apartments; Tokio: édition PAUMES, 2011.
Finland Children´s Rooms; Tokio: édition PAUMES, 2011
Finland Children´s Rooms; Tokio: édition PAUMES, 2011.
Finland Family Style; Tokio: édition PAUMES, 2010
Finland Family Style; Tokio: édition PAUMES, 2010.
(ed.) Galindo, Michelle [et al.]; Living Under the Sun: Tropical Interiors and Architecture; Berlín: Die Gestalten Verlag, 2015
(ed.) Galindo, Michelle [et al.]; Living Under the Sun: Tropical Interiors and Architecture; Berlín: Die Gestalten Verlag, 2015.
Guntli, Reto; Living in Bali; Kolín: Taschen, 2018
Guntli, Reto; Living in Bali; Kolín: Taschen, 2018.
Guntli, Reto; Living in Asia; Kolín: Taschen, 2019
Guntli, Reto; Living in Asia; Kolín: Taschen, 2019.
Henry, Kevin; Drawing for Product Designers;  Londýn: Laurence King Publishing, 2012
Henry, Kevin; Drawing for Product Designers;  Londýn: Laurence King Publishing, 2012.
(ed.) Klanten, Robert; Funk, Maximilian; The Current: New Wheels for the Post-Petrol Age;  Berín: Gestalten, 2018
(ed.) Klanten, Robert; Funk, Maximilian; The Current: New Wheels for the Post-Petrol Age;  Berín: Gestalten, 2018.
Kleon, Austin; Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative; New York: Workman Publishing Company, Inc., 2012
Kleon, Austin; Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative; New York: Workman Publishing Company, Inc., 2012.
Kotmair, Alisa; Rock the Boat: Boats, Cabins and Homes on the Water;  Berín: Gestalten, 2017
Kotmair, Alisa; Rock the Boat: Boats, Cabins and Homes on the Water;  Berín: Gestalten, 2017.
Kramer, Sybille; Rough Interiors; Salenstein: Braun Publishing AG, 2016
Kramer, Sybille; Rough Interiors; Salenstein: Braun Publishing AG, 2016.
Lewin, Tony; Borroff, Ryan; How To Design Cars Like a Pro; Minneapolis, MN: Motorbooks,, 2010
Lewin, Tony; Borroff, Ryan; How To Design Cars Like a Pro; Minneapolis, MN: Motorbooks,, 2010.
Lovatt-Smith, Lisa; Paris Interiors; Kolín: Taschen, 2004
Lovatt-Smith, Lisa; Paris Interiors; Kolín: Taschen, 2004.
Phillips, Ian; Interiors Now!; Kolín: Taschen, 2017
Phillips, Ian; Interiors Now!; Kolín: Taschen, 2017.
Robertson, Scott; Bertling, Thomas; How to Draw: Drawing and Sketching Objects and Environments from Your Imagination; Culver City: Design Studio Press, 2013
Robertson, Scott; Bertling, Thomas; How to Draw: Drawing and Sketching Objects and Environments from Your Imagination; Culver City: Design Studio Press, 2013.
Robertson, Scott; Bertling, Thomas; How to Render: the Fundamentals of Light, Shadow and Reflectivity; Culver City: Design Studio Press, 2014
Robertson, Scott; Bertling, Thomas; How to Render: the Fundamentals of Light, Shadow and Reflectivity; Culver City: Design Studio Press, 2014.
Stockholm´s Apartments;  Tokio: édition PAUMES, 2006
Stockholm´s Apartments;  Tokio: édition PAUMES, 2006.
Stoeltie, Barbara; Stoeltie, René; Living in Mexico; Kolín: Taschen, 2018
Stoeltie, Barbara; Stoeltie, René; Living in Mexico; Kolín: Taschen, 2018.
Stoeltie, Barbara; Stoeltie, René; Living in Morocco; Kolín: Taschen, 2019
Stoeltie, Barbara; Stoeltie, René; Living in Morocco; Kolín: Taschen, 2019.