Adams Robert Why People Photograh Selected Essays and Reviews New York: Aperture, 1994.
Berger, John Understanding a Photograph Londýn: Penguin Books, 2013.
Berkeley Tanyth The Walking Woman Elmwood Park: Conveyor Editions, 2017.
(The Photographic Workshop Series) New York: Aperture, 2019.
Bunnell, Peter C. Inside the Photograph Writings on Twentieth-Century Photography New York: Aperture Foundation, 2009.
Campany, David Walker Evans Aperture Masters of Photography New York: Aperture Foundation, 2015.
Photography Is Magic New York: Aperture, 2015.
Cotton, Charlotte Klein, Alex Words Without Pictures New York: Aperture, 2009.
Cotton, Charlotte Public, Private, Secret On Photography & the Configuration of Self New York: Aperture, International Center of Photograpfy, 2018.
D´Amato, Paul here / still / now Heidelberg: Kehrer, 2017.
Enfield, Jill Jill Enfield's Guide to Photographic Alternative Processes Popular Historical and Contemporary Techniques Londýn, New York: Routledge, 2020.
Frazier, LaToya Ruby Dickerson, Dennis C. Wexler, Laura LaToya Ruby Frazier: The Notion of Family New York: Aperture, 2016.
(ed.) Grosenick, Uta Seelig, Thomas PHOTOart Photography in the 21st Century New York: Aperture, 2007.
(ed.) Harris, Melissa Famighetti Michael Aperture Conversations New York: Aperture, 2018.
Kubler George Tvar času Poznámky k dějinám věcí Praha: Nakladatelství Tomáš Pospěch/Positif, 2018.
Kurland, Justine Highway Kind: Stories by Lynne Tillman New York: Aperture Foundation, 2016.
Shinkle, Eugénie Fashion Photography: The Story in 180 Pictures Londýn : Thames and Hudson Ltd., 2017.
Strauss, David Levi Between the Eyes Essays on Photography and Politics New York: Aperture Foundation, 2005.
Strauss, David Levi Words Not Spent Today Buy Smaller Images Tomorrow New York: Aperture, 2014.
Thomas, Alan The Expanding Eye Photography and the Nineteenth-Century Mind Londýn, New York, Routledge, 2020.
(ed.) Wolf Sasha PhotoWork: Forty Photographers on Process and Practice New York: Aperture, 2019.