Manual - climate crisis

Professional lectures and a workshop during which works for a joint author's book and posters will be created.

In the first part of the project we will implement professional lectures and content preparation for students:

1. art history - focused on the current author's art publication - Mgr. Jan Čumlivksi PhD., Tomáš Klepoch, public lecture intended for all students of art disciplines, professional public.

2. technical - focused on the phenomenon and ways of tech. preparations for low-cost graphic technologies - Lukáš Parolek from the Kudlapress studio, or Mgr. Michal Tornyai ArtD from the Risomat studio, public lecture intended for all students of art disciplines, professional public.

3. content ( Tomáš Klepoch, Mgr. Jan Čumlivksi PhD,) focused on the preparation of content for publication - the topic of the climate crisis. lecture intended for students for selected students of the project.

In the second part of the project together with my artistic colleague Mgr. Jan Čumlivskim PhD, we will hold an intensive 7-day workshop with students, during which works for a joint author's book and posters will be created.

In the third part of the project, together with the students, we will gradually prepare, graphically process the materials from the workshop for printing the book itself. The next step will be the realization of the graphic production itself, the author's book with the help of graphic technologies and self-publishing methods, especially serigraphy and the Risomat print. The sheets printed in this way are further processed and completed into a book block for binding.

Contract no. 2019vu094


Tatra banka Foundation, More Art program

Responsible researcher:

Mgr. art. Tomáš Klepoch / Department of Graphics and Other Media /
