We kindly invite you all to attend the opening of the upcoming OSVIT event on Friday, September 30 at Somolického Street 14 in the Old Town. We will open the outside at 4:00 p.m., when something will start happening there, and the inside at 5:00 p.m.
Apparently something is already being said around Bratislava, so we will now confirm it for you.
And so we kindly invite you all to participate in the opening of the upcoming OSVIT event, on Friday, September 30, at Somolického Street 14 in the Old Town. We will open the outside at 4:00 p.m., when something will start happening there, and the inside at 5:00 p.m. Once again, it will be multi-generational participation.
It is represented by Adam Balogh, Bianka Barniaková, Jaroslav Beliš, Denis Braun, Nikola Čemanová, Tereza Darášová, Tomáš Deák, Samuel Gregor Dzurek, Peter Fabo, Zuzana Firmentová, Lilla Gomboš, Andrej Grohol, Richard Gottschall, Gréta Fedora Homzová, Samuel Hornáček, Richard Hronský, Ester Hvojníková, Peter Kalmus, Agáta Kertész, Timotej Kosmel, Klaudia Kosziba, Amália Kotradyová, Matúš Kurdel, Pavol Lipa, Dorota Malichová, Peter Markovski, Eva Masaryková, Ema Mihálova, Celestína Minichová, Miroslav Mládenek, Matúš Novosad, Viktor Oravec, Jakub Pohlódek, Kasha Potrohosh, Marco Rapant, Hugo Rayman, Samuel Rayman, Peter Rónai, Rudolf Sikora, Katka Slaninková, Lukáš Sobota, Radim Straka, Timotej Strážovský, Kristián Šmelko, Dominik Turan, GORGON URBAN + Klára Dolník and Marína Abramovič Po Sebe Neupratuje.
It's starting to get expensive, so it will be roughly just wine, we'll see. There will also be no electricity, we'll see. But what we will certainly see and hear is the vocal group Neha! and composer Daniel Remen. We remind you to dress well and follow the weather forecast. As part of the accompanying program during the duration of the exhibition, the Prešporáck Poetry Mondays will take place on Monday, October 3 at 9:00 p.m., and an author's interpretation of selected works will take place on Saturday, October 8 at 3:00 p.m.
Again, the exhibition is not curated, and entry is at your own risk. You know what, come
Duration of the exhibition: 30.9. – 9/10/2022 at 15:00 - 18:00