AFAD at Pecha Kucha Night Bratislava
The 52nd edition of PechaKucha Night Bratislava will focus on getting to know the invisible, hidden or often overlooked in the world of creative and cultural industry. In the next edition in May, people from the AFAD will present their work again, this time it will be doctoral student Ema Lančaričová and teacher Jaroslav Kyša.
Nová Cvernovka
Račianska 78, Bratislava
Wednesday May 24, 2023 at 7 p.m.
Pecha Kucha Night Bratislava predstaví vnútorné procesy v architektúre a dizajne a ponúkne priestor pre hľadanie neviditeľného a efemérneho v súčasnom vizuálnom umení. Okrem toho sa dotkne tém prístupnosti kultúrnych inštitúcií a znevýhodnenia kreatívnych profesionálov a profesionálok. Pozornosť bude taktiež venovať často opomínaným kultúrno-spoločenským otázkam.
Ema Lančaričová
(Department of Photography and New Media)
Visual artist and ArtD student at the AFAD in Bratislava, working with analog and instant photography. She bases her work on philosophical research and an experimental approach, through which she searches for the essence of photography. In addition to her own creations, she is also dedicated to organizing workshops introducing participants to new ways of working with instant photography or historical photographic techniques. At PechaKucha Night Bratislava, she will present her project Aperture, in which she focuses on basic variables such as time, light and space, but also their negations. / / @emalancaricova / @ramble_photo
Jaroslav Kyša
(Department of Intermedia)
Jaroslav Kyša is a visual artist, a graduate of the Studio of Free Creativity 3D at FUTU in Košice, currently an assistant at the Studio of Spatial Communications + at the AFAD in Bratislava. He is a two-time laureate of the NOVUM Foundation award, a laureate of the Szpilman Award, and also a two-time finalist of the Oskár Čepan Award. His work is dominated by an interest in materials, objects and their physical properties, and the creation of surprising connections in their interaction or in relation to the observer. He works with the tools of physics to create works evoking their denial. But his objects do not try to question reality, on the contrary, they encourage a more intense experience of reality.
- Daria Balejová, Ivo Bystřičan, Barbora Hrmová, Zuzana Jakalová, Jaroslav Kyša, Ema Lančaričová, Peter Liška, Ján Pernecký, Lea Petříková, Peter Pivoda, Martin Pyšný, Neviditeľná Štiavnica, Jaro Varga, Richard Vodička
Entrance fee:
- €5 purchase online at or on site
- €1 students of art schools and art departments with proof of a valid student card on site
The event was supported from public funds by the Slovak Art Council.
This project was realized thanks to the financial support of the SPP Foundation.
The partners of the event are the printing company DIW print, cultural space Nová Cvernovka and

More info on website of Pecha Kucha.