Art design studio in the context of cultural and economic structures
The basic idea of the project is an initiative to connect the activities of the Art design studio at VŠVU with a real cultural and economic environment focused on galleries, collectors, museums, shops, design shops or cultural institutions in the public and private sectors at home and abroad.
The project responds to the need to connect the academic environment with practice. It emphasizes that the work of a designer, especially in the field of authorial design, does not end with the creation of a work, but is part of a complex process of the design profession involving the ability to understand the principles of the art and design market.
The aim of the project is to integrate the processes and results of education into the schemes of the real environment of the design profession in the field. Therefore, the research team within the project envisages the creation of a platform that will allow students to enter the real market of design and art. In the first step, the project plans to create its own implementation workplace for the needs of creating works on the attic of the studio. These will then be the subject of creating the necessary infrastructure and the results of work in the studio will be of interest in the external cultural and commercial environment.
The integration of the given process into the usual pedagogical practice will ensure the students the direct use of the acquired knowledge in the implementation, presentations or promotion of their work during their studies. This is crucial for their future application.
During the implementation of the project, a series of lectures, workshops and discussions on the issue are planned, as well as public presentations of the acquired knowledge.
The aim of the project is to increase the quality of teaching in Art design studios at VŠVU and interconnection individual areas of society, which can lead to increased interest in the field of copyright design. Despite its fundamental importance for the formation of the design scene, in contrast to the surrounding countries in our country, it must not exceed the boundaries of the academic environment towards the general public.
Project no. 006VŠVU-4/2018
MŠVVaŠ SR, KEGA, Komisia č. 4 pre rozvoj kultúry a umenia
Responsible researcher:
Mgr. art. Ing. Marián Laššák, ArtD.
Research team:
doc. Mgr. art. Sylvia Jokelova, Mgr. art. Peter Zelman, M.Sc. Nada Kancevova PhD., Mgr. art. Martin Franzen (PhD student)
2018 – 2020