Architectural models such as models, prototypes and development studies
Investigation of the circumstances of origin and monitoring of the context in the implementation of models as prototypes of architectural practice.
In the solution of the project, we want to focus on the creation, research of the circumstances of origin and monitoring of the context in the implementation of models as prototypes of architectural practice. Our ambition is to prepare a catalog of answers to various situations that architecture has been solving since its inception. Catalog of houses that describe model situations. In order for a model to emerge, there must be something it is for. A model is a situation to a general question - a model as an answer to a specific time connection (environment, cultural situation, technology, architect).
A environment: house by / on / in the river, house on the slope (Chemosphere), house on the house, house under the terrain, house on the hill, house in the field, house in the town, tree house, house in the sea, house in the desert, arctic house, house on the road, house island, floating house, house on rails, house on wheels, flying house, floating house, house in intermediate position, house on the moon, war-resistant house, house for extremes of rain and sun, invisible house (delugan), house in the woods (Nickel)
B cultural situation: a house for a refugee, a zero house, a house for the elderly, a house for students, a multi-generational house (Nishizawa), a house for a philosopher (Šrámková), a children's house, a house for the disabled (blind, phobias, wheelchair users ...), ordinary house, Roma house, studio house (Pelcl), garden house (Boullee), single house,
C architectural statement: house in geometry (Wittgenstein), modular house (Modular), open house (Johnson), dome house (Bini), module house, translucent house (Sobek), servant house, three-dimensional house (Loos), folding house ( Prouve),
D technology :, portable house, inflatable house, structural house (house from poles, house from flats, house from cylinders (Kerez), house from branches, house from water (Blur), house from sand (, ...), revolving House,
The research will take place on several levels: theoretical and methodological examination of design representations, analysis of relevant literature, data collection in the field / urban data mining /, expanding the database with a lecture series, study tours and international workshops / site programming /.
Project no. 008VŠVU-4/2020
MŠVVaŠ SR, KEGA, Commission no. 4 for the development of culture and art
Responsible researcher:
doc. Ing. Ján Studený. Acad. arch., Department of Architecture
2020 – 2022