RARE CULTURAL SPACE: Opening of a new cultural and exhibition space in the courtyard of VŠVU 17.11.2022 at 18:00 + TOUGH AND TENDER exhibition opening

We invite you to the opening of the new cultural and exhibition space in the courtyard of AFAD at Hviezdoslavovo námestie.  It will take place on Thursday 17 November 2022 at 6pm. The opening of the space is also connected with the opening of the exhibition called „TOUGH AND TENDER“, collaborations of two artists: Aliz*a Orlan and Ezra Šimek.


Where: in the courtyard of VŠVU on Hviezdoslavov Square



After few words, party by Djs: Maxo x Fantomas x Kodiki



Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1817650091920595

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rare_cultural_space/



RARE~TEAM Looking forward to see you


Adriána Ondrušová

Dáška Oršuliaková

Miroslav Šujan

Jakub Užovič