We cordially invite you to the Zlín Salon!
We cordially invite you to the Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín for the opening of the Zlín Salon on September 5, 2023 from 6 p.m. Some of our teachers and graduates, especially from the Painting and Intermedia programs, are also represented.

Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín
- Building 61 of the factory complex, Zlín, Czech Republic
Opening: September 5, 2023, 6 p.m.
Exhibition duration: September 6 – November 5, 2023
Exhibiting authors:
Jakub Adamec, Daniela Baráčková, Prokop Bartoníček, Petr Bařinka, Simona Blahutová, Ondřej Brody, Oldřich Bystřický, Katarína Czikorova, Michal Czinege, Michal Černušák, Lucia Dovičáková, Mira Gáberová, Ladislava Gažiová, David Hanvald, Petra Herotová, Tereza Hora, Vendula Chalánková, Zuzana Ištvánová Novotná, Tereza Janečková, Eva Jiřičkanahra, Petra Kanócz, Jana Kapelová, Juraj Kollár, Jan Kovářík, Daniela Krajčová, Jan Krtička, Petr Kunčík, Matúš Lányi, Jitka Mikulicová, Monika Pascoe Mikyšková, Jakub Nepraš, Martin Salajka, Zdenka Saletová, Pavla Sceranková, Rastislav Sedláčik, Tereza Severová, Boris Sirka, Ivana Sláviková, Matěj Smetana, Ivan Svoboda, Evžen Šimera, Martin Špirec, Jano Vasilko, Vladimír Véla, Tereza Velíková, Šárka Zadáková, Vlasta Žáková
About the Exhibition
This year's House of Art works with the theme "The life of an artist". What it means to be an artist is a question often reflected not only among artistic actors and theorists, but also in a more general debate about the importance of culture for society. Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to the so-called of the status of an artist, within which the legal-economic status of artistically active persons is resolved. An artist can still be perceived as a person who stands outside of normal life practice and therefore has the opportunity to express himself differently than most people. At the same time, however, it is part of society and especially of its social bubble. Balancing the different positions of an artist's life brings tension and challenging situations, which each personality tries to face with the resources available to it.
For the main exhibition, simply called the Zlín Salon, we invited artists who participated in the Zlín Youth Salon in 2009. At that time they were less than thirty years old, today they should be at the peak of their artistic career. However, it is also a period of life when offers and support for young artists are no longer available and, on the other hand, they are not yet living classics. Thus, in addition to the current work of 47 artists, the salon will also present the vicissitudes of their professional careers to some extent.
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