Selection procedure – Head of the Division of Drawing

Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava pursuant to Principles of the selection procedure for filling the positions of university teachers, artistic and research workers, the positions of professors and docents and the positions of senior employees of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, announces tender for filling the position of the head of the Division of Drawing.

Head of the Division of Drawing

* The function is cumulated with the position of a university teacher at the relevant department.

Deadline for applications: 17. 2. 2025

Commencement of employment: marec 2025

Admission conditions:

  • integrity,
  • managerial and communication skills,
  • defending a written concept of the department's activities and its development.

Required documentation:

  • application (must contain personal data - name and surname, address, contact - e-mail, telephone, and the exact name of the position in which the candidate is interested),

Application to AFAD selection procedure (SK) 042024RTF, 51 KB

  • curriculum vitae,
  • extract from the criminal record not older than 3 months,
  • a written concept of the activities of the relevant department and its development in printed and electronic form (USB).

General conditions of admission:

  • fulfillment of the required conditions for admission,
  • submission of the complete required documentation for the selection procedure,
  • personal participation in the selection procedure.

Selection process:

  • presentation of the concept of the activity of the relevant department and its development (approx. 15 min.),
  • discussion with members of the commission and defense of the presented concept of the activity of the relevant department and its development.



In Bratislava: 22. 1. 2025

assoc. prof. Mgr. Bohunka Koklesová, PhD.

AFAD rector