The Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, in accordance with Section 77 of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended, and in accordance with the Principles of the Selection Procedure for Filling the Positions of Researchers, Professors, Associate Professors and University Teachers, announces the selection procedure for filling the posts of university teachers - the post of Associate Professor.
Division of Drawing
University teacher for the Position of Associate Professor for the teaching of the profile subject Drawing with a focus on the study programme Printmaking and other media in the study field of Art in the Bachelor and Master degree, with a position in the Division of Drawing.
Application deadline: 17. 2. 2025
Commencement of employment: march 2025
Qualification prerequisites
completion of higher education II. degree with an artistic-pedagogical title awarded or a scientific-pedagogical title "associate professor" before 1. 9. 2020 or,
completion of higher education III. degree with an artistic-pedagogical title or a scientific-pedagogical title "associate professor" or,
completion of higher education III. degree, without the awarded artistic-pedagogical or scientific-pedagogical "associate professor" title. The applicants prove that they meet the criteria resulting from the required level of criteria for obtaining the title of associate professor at the University in the relevant field of the Habilitation procedure, which is assigned to the field of study to which the position is linked, which in terms of the University means that they must meet the Qualification criteria for the habilitation procedure
artistic-pedagogical experience of min. 3 years, (including doctoral studies)
knowledge of world language - English, level: B2 (intermediate)
publication activity,
participation in the selection procedure,
successful completion of the selection procedure.
Required documentation:
application – a written request to participate in the selection procedure, stating consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on changes and additions to some laws as amended. Application (must contain: personal data – name, surname, address, contact – email, telephone, and the exact name of the job in which the candidate is interested)
an officially certified copy of the document on the obtained second-level university education, or even third degree,
an officially certified copy of the decree by which the applicant was awarded the art-pedagogical title "associate professor", if the applicant obtained this title,
extract from the criminal record not older than 3 months,
brief portfolio of artistic, or scientific activity in both printed and electronic form (USB stick).
Overview of artistic, professional, and publishing activities (if possible, supported by records from CREUČ and CREPČ).
Overview of artistic-research, professional, and publishing activities (if possible, supported by records from CREUČ and CREPČ).
teaching concept in print and electronic form (on a USB stick),
affidavit about other employment relationships with the universities, in the territory of the Slovak Republic, as well as abroad, for the performance of the work of a university teacher and researcher with the indication of the weekly working time (for the purpose of proving the fact according to §74 paragraph 5 of the Act on Universities)
overview of artistic-pedagogical activity (length of teaching experience, supervision of final theses),
an overview of grant, project and organizational activities of the applicant (research projects, conferences, workshops, etc.),
other documents in accordance with the Rules of the selection procedure and the published notice of the selection procedure (Appendix no. 1), for applicants with a third degree of education and without the awarded artistic-pedagogical title "associate professor".
all required documents must be submitted in both printed and electronic form (USB stick).
*In the case of internal employees, it is not necessary to attach verified documents about education.
General conditions of admission:
meeting the required admission conditions,
complete submission of the required documentation for the selection procedure,
personal participation in the selection procedure.
The course of the selection procedure:
presentation of artistic or scientific and pedagogical activities (approx. 15 min.),
presentation of the proposed teaching concept (approx. 15 min.),
discussion with committee members and defense of the presented teaching concept.
Salary conditions:
According to valid legal regulations in accordance with Act no. 553/2003 Coll. and with the order of the Government of the Slovak Republic no. 296/2022 Coll., annex no. 3 Special salary scales for university teachers and research and development employees. The basic salary is determined according to the number of years of experience, starting at EUR 1 370,00.
Job description:
in accordance with § 75, par. 3) Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on universities and on the amendment of certain laws as amended.
Further details on the announced selection procedure, acceptance conditions and required documentation for the selection procedure:
The filling of the mentioned job and function is carried out in connection with the approved number and structure of jobs at AFAD.
The selection process verifies the applicant's skills and expertise, which are necessary or appropriate in view of the nature of the duties that the employee has to perform in the job position or function for which the selection process is being held.
All required documentation for the selection procedure, including the application for the selection procedure, must be submitted in the Slovak language. Regarding the documents proving the education achieved, the acquisition of academic and scientific titles and scientific ranks, these must, if they are documents issued in a country other than the Slovak Republic, be officially verified in the prescribed manner (apostille) and officially submitted in the Slovak language. For documents issued in the Czech language, an official translation into the Slovak language is not required.
Applications with the necessary documents are accepted by the AFAD HR department, Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, 814 37 Bratislava.