Studio of Architecture II
We are interested in architecture which has a project
Bachelor´s Level of Study
The Studio Architecture II is a common platform for the development of architecture in all its facets. The Studio Architecture II is focused on designing. Regardless of the particular task (functional theme) the designprocess itself, the creativity, the planning method is in the foreground of the project work. The latest developments, methods and transmedia theories are promoted process-oriented. For a comprehensive processing the knowledge from all other areas of study are demanded and applied. The goal is the ability to plan independently and innovatively, to develope a project from the basic formulation to successful presentation.
Master´s Level of Study
Dynamization of the design process, and deepening of the elaboration. The aim is to increase flexibility in designing through variations and changes, to develop the ability (beyond deterministic object-like architecture ) to operate a process-oriented architecture for open systems. At the time, the Department of Architecture is one of the two holders of the accreditation of the European Union for the architecture in Slovakia. The study at the Department serves as a good basis for passing the professional exams necessary for starting an own practice.
Doctor´s Level of Study
The doctoral program is research that produces an architectural project and / or theoretical work. It is a primary independent scientific work that is done in close consultation.