M.Eng. Sylvia Kozáková
- Position
- Administrator of AIS, Application forms
- Phone
- +421 2 5942 8519
- kozakova(a)vsvu.sk
in the study programs Digital Art, Applied art - specialisation GLASS, specialisation CERAMICS. Admission conditions and course of the admission procedure for bachelor's studies starting in 2024/2025
An application for additional admission interviews for the study program can be submitted by an applicant who did not take part in the admissions for the Applied Arts study program in the regular term.
Only the applicant who takes part in an admissions procedure can become a student for bachelor´s degree programs at AFAD. The student who has completed an advanced level of secondary education or has achieved a vocational qualification, can apply for admissions at AFAD as required.
If the admission procedure at AFAD takes place before the date of the school-leaving exam of the applicant, the applicant is admitted to studies conditionally. The final admission to study is conditional upon a successful completion of the school-leaving exam. The secondary school leaving certificate must be submitted within ten days after the completion of the school-leaving exam and no later than the date of enrolment for studies.
All foreign applicants must master Slovak language at the level B1 (except for Czech applicants) before their admission.
The foreign applicants, who studied abroad, are admitted, only if they provide a decision on the recognition of the diploma issued abroad no later than the deadline for the enrolment (September 2024).
If the university issues diplomas after the enrolment date (after September) we do not recommend students that they submit an application, instead we recommend submitting it in the next academic year.
For more information check the following links:
How to have a foreign high school diploma recognized
Recognition of foreign diplomas in general
In the period from June 11, 2024 till August 6, 2024 an applicant for a Bachelor´s degree program at AFAD fills out and submits an electronic application.
Subsequently, the application is to be printed out, signed and sent by post together with required annexes no later than August 7, 2024.
The electronic application can be found on the AFAD webpage
Link to webpage with electronic application
The applicant fills out the application
The applicant submits the application
The applicant then prints the application out, signs it and sends it by post no later than August 7, 2024, together with the following annexes:
recognition of educational qualification can be issued by the Regional Office of School Governance (Regionálny úrad školskej správy) (in case of documents certifying the completion of studies published by a foreign state school).
For more information check the following links:
Digital version of homework - portfolio with attachments (see the requirements of the individual programs), will be uploaded by the applicant after submitting the electronic application and attachments in the period from August 14, 2024 from 12:00 p.m. CET until August 16, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. CET via the website: https://ulozisko.vsvu.sk/; access data and instructions will be sent to the email addresses listed in the application no later than August 14, 2024 until 12:00 p.m. CET.
Fee of € 50 must be paid by bank transfer no later than August 6, 2024.
In case of payments from abroad, it is necessary to provide the following details:
Digital version of homework - a portfolio with all required parts or tasks listed according to study programs in point 8. "Requirements of individual study programs", will be uploaded by the applicant after submitting the electronic application and attachments in the period from August 14, 2024 from 12:00 p.m. CET until August 16, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. CET via the website: https://ulozisko.vsvu.sk/; access data and instructions will be sent to the email addresses listed in the application no later than August 14, 2024 until 12 p.m. CET
First round – 19 – 20 August 2024 – the admissions committee meets and assesses the portfolio of works sent to https://ulozisko.vsvu.sk untill August 16, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. CET
Second round – 3 – 4 September 2024 – is conducted in person for all study programs and lasts for two days.
AFAD determines further conditions for the admission to the individual study programmes in order to ensure that only applicants with necessary skills and potential are admitted. The determined conditions and the method of verification of their compliance must allow to choose applicants who show the highest level of talent, knowledge and skills to study the individual study programmes realized at AFAD.
The assigned tasks and parts of the entrance examination are evaluated by at least five members of the admissions committee appointed by the Rector from among the university teachers performing a study programme at AFAD with an art-academic title of professor, associate professor or assistant professor. A university teacher teaching within another study programme at AFAD can also become a member of the admissions committee.
The members of the admissions committee evaluate the tasks in both rounds using a point system on a six-point scale (0-5 points) or on an eleven-point scale (0-10 points). Each task (including homework) is scored separately. In the case of the second round with a full-day assignment, the admissions committee can evaluate using a system on an eleven-point scale (0-10 points). The condition for advancing to the second round is to obtain at least 50% of the maximum possible number of points for the tasks of the first round. Depending on the situation (e.g. a small number of applicants), the commission can move the advancement limit to 45% of the points earned.
For detailed specification according to individual study programs see in point 7., "Requirements of individual study programs" point "Further details of individual tasks during the admission procedure".
The applicants who pass to the second round of the admissions procedure are informed as follows:
Admissions committees present the results of the evaluation of both rounds as well as applicants’ art works to the whole school committee appointed by the AFAD Rector. The members of the whole school admissions committee may be the AFAD Rector, AFAD Vice-rectors, the head of the AFAD Academic Senate, heads of the AFAD departments, heads of AFAD studios, teachers leading preparatory courses and members of the departments’ admissions committees, while the chairman of the committee is the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.
The whole school admissions committee assesses the results of the evaluation and order of the candidates presented by each departmental admissions committee, thus verifying the results of the admissions procedure. The whole school admissions committee has the right to change the order of candidates based on the evaluation of the departmental admissions committee, by open vote which requires a simple majority of the votes of the present members of the whole school admissions committee.
The whole school admissions committee has the right to propose to the AFAD Rector to increase or decrease the number of the admitted applicants for individual study programmes, or not to admit any of the applicants due to the low level of their performance. The final decision on the admission or non-admission of the applicant is made by the Rector of the school who considers the proposal of the whole school committee. The final decision is sent to the applicant by the AFAD’s office of Study Affairs by post no later than 30 days after the end of the admissions procedure.
The applicant, who receives a decision on the non-admission to study, can request the review of the decision. The request must be sent to the AFAD Rector no later than 8 days after the date of the reception of the decision. If the rector does not find any infringement, the request is forwarded to the AFAD Academic Senate. The Senate does not evaluate the quality of works but the procedural side of the proceedings. The decision of the AFAD Academic Senate is final. The reply to the request to review the decision must be sent to the applicant no later than 30 days after the date of the reception of the request to review the decision of non-admission to study at AFAD.
The conditions of admission and the course of the admissions procedure for Bachelor´s degree programs are stated in detail by the Internal Regulation on the Admissions Procedure at AFAD.
AFAD guarantees equal opportunities to every applicant who demonstrates the necessary prerequisites for graduating. If the applicant needs to create specific conditions for admission interviews, he must contact the study department in this matter. AFAD applies an individual approach to applicants with specific needs.
*Requirements for entrance examination. Home assignments, further details of individual tasks, necessary tools. The requirements are current for the admission procedure at Academic year 2024/2025.
The applicant submits 3 parts:
Topic: „ Breath “
Breath begins our life, accompanies us, and also ends it. It changes during suffering, effort, and laughter; its quality is influenced by the climate and environment. Everything alive breathes: people, animals, beings in sci-fi, and myths. Breath has various forms, derived words, and meanings. Don't be afraid to take a breath. Interpret and work with the theme of breath in your own way. Breathe life into something imaginative, beautiful, or provocative.
You can choose from several art forms to embrace the theme. Choose one and process it according to the given form and extent:
Short video about the applicant and his/her motivation to study digital arts in a duration of maximum 3 minutes. File format MP4, maximal resolution 1920x1080. Video application itself will not be evaluated, its primary purpose is to introduce the applicant to the committee.
Submission of the selection of works (approx. 10 works). Suitable media are: drawing and painting (also digital forms), photography, video, animation, 3D modelling, infographics and data visualization, architecture, graphic design, web design, computer applications and games, user interfaces, performance, installation, social activism, online marketing. These works can be also presented as proposals for projects.
The portfolio is submitted in one PDF file in which every work is presented on the individual page (or more pages) together with a title and short annotation to the work. Each work is accompanied with at least one picture (or photograph, screenshot, render, etc.). If the work already exists, hyperlink should be attached to the annotation. Pages in the file have a width orientation (1920 x 1080 pixels or 297x210mm)
If the portfolio contains videos or animations, they must be uploaded in a single video file as consecutive segments.
Pictures, photographs, graphic design: JPEG or PDF format. The screen with the title and applicant´s name or a short annotation should precede every segment. File MP4 format, maximum resolution of 1920 x 1080.
If the portfolio also contains video programs, demos or games, they are to be submitted in an executable form for the Windows or Mac platform, packed in a ZIP file.
* Return to requirements for all applicants *
* Return to the menu of requirements of individual study programs *
*Requirements for entrance examination. Home assignments, further details of individual tasks, necessary tools. The requirements are current for the admission procedure at Academic year 2024/2025.
To apply for Applied Arts (specialization - ceramics, glass) no training or special experience in the given field is necessary.
The portfolio should include school and independent homework.
Recommended portfolio content:
• drawing of a portrait, bust (1:1) or figure (1:1 or small sketches - motion pictures) according to a live model
• still life drawing
• drawing of the city, landscape, nature
• drawings of hands, body parts or shapes
• color studies or still lifes based on a live model
• color compositions
• photo documentation of works such as a modeled portrait based on a live model, busts and other realizations in material.
• designs of own independent projects – sketches, technical drawings of designs of objects or objects for the material of the specialization for which the applicant is applying (ceramics, glass)
• diaries and personal drawing records are recommended
• total recommended number of homework approx. 25 pcs
mandatory part of the portfolio with proper labeling and annotation, processed individually in the form of a proposal for implementation in the medium of the specialization for which the applicant is applying (ceramics, glass)
pencils, charcoals, drawing rods, brushes, paints - tempera and watercolor or water-based, eyes and spatulas for modeling, scissors, twine, water containers, ruler, compass, glue, adhesive tape, cutter
pencil, charcoal, eraser, water colors, scissors, cutter, colored drawings, glue, tape, rulers, modeling spatulas, etc.
Consultations are recommended.
* Return to requirements for all applicants *
* Return to the menu of requirements of individual study programs *
Information on the admission procedure for bachelor studies is provided by the AFAD’s study office:
Information for applicants from Ukraine is provided by:
General consultations refer to Applicants guide