The Dvojstrana project

The Dvojstrana project is the result of cooperation between the Department of Theory and History of Art of AFAD, the Academic Library of AFAD and the MEDIUM Gallery. Its goal is to draw the public's attention to the phenomenon of the author's book tied to the visual arts, primarily in Slovakia, but with occasional overlap abroad.

Supported by public funds through Slovak arts council.

FPU logo black on white

Navigation:  Dvojstrana 2023  Dvojstrana 2024


About contemporary illustration;

26. 6. 2024

Debate on book illustration and its current status in contemporary Slovak culture.



26. 6. 2024

A debate about different photo book formats, from author's to publisher's editions.




Palo Čejka, Tomáš Klepoch: Tajná dvojstrana;

22. 3. 2023

A debate with book creators



Zuzana Husárová: Plurals;

31. 5. 2023

Debate on experimental literature


Dana Tomečková and the 1+1+1+1=1 collective: Nothing Ever Twice;

23. 8. 2023

Debate about the book as part of the creative process


Andrej Dúbravský: Hello Dear Reader;

26. 10. 2023

Debate on painting zine


Juraj Horváth: Codex Aigas - continuation;

6. 12. 2023

Debate on contemporary illustration and author's book