Daniel Grúň
- Name
- Assoc. Prof. M.Sc. Assoc. Prof. Daniel Grúň, PhD.
- Position
- Associate Professor
- Department
- Department of Theory and History of Art
- grun(a)vsvu.sk
- Website
- www.portalvs.sk
Online presentation:
- Curating Archives
- History of Printmaking II., III.
- History of 20th Century Sculpture I., II.
- Interpretation Frameworks of Contemporary Art I., II.
- Introduction to the History of Art of the 20th Century
2008 – 2003
- Postgradual study programme at the Department of History and Theory of Art at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava
2003 – 2000
- Society for Higher Learning, Bratislava. The Liberal Education Program
2003 – 1998
- Trnava University in Trnava, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Art History and Cultural History
Research Field:
- Art and Politics in former Eastern Europe
- History of Art Criticism
- Documentary and archival strategies in contemporary art
- Research scholarship at Open Society Archives, Budapest
- Fulbright research scholarship, CUNY, Graduate Center, New York
- Artist-In-Residence Program, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna
- International Visegrad Fund scholarship at the Charles University in Prague
International Visegrad Fund scholarship at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Selected Bibliography:
- Július Koller Galéria Ganku. Schlebrügge.Editor, Vienna, 2014 (English/Slovak). ISBN 978-3-902833-55-6
- Archeology of Art Criticism. Slovak Art of the 1960 and its Interpretations. Bratislava: Slovart, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, 2009 (English summary). ISBN 978-80-8085-980-0.
- Bibliography /selected essays/:
- Július Koller. Dialectics of Self-identification. In: L’Internationale – Post-war Avant-gardes between 1957 and 1986. Christian Höller (Ed.) Zurich: JRP Ringier 2012, p. 196-202. ISBN 978-3-03764-311-2
- Archív umelca – paralelná inštitúcia alebo prostriedok seba-historizácie? Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny, 11/2011, 64-83.
- Red Planet: Cosmic Imagery of the Slovak Neo-Avant-Garde. In: Łukasz Ronduda, Alex Farquarson, Barbara Piwowarska (eds.): Star City. The Future under Communism. MAMMAL Foundation, Nottingham Contemporary, tranzit.at, 2011, p. 52-68. ISBN 978-83-62128-04-4
- Der Kosmos der Slowakischen Neoavantgarde zwischen Utopie, Fiktion und Politik. IN: Crossing 68/89 (Eds: Jürgen Danyel, Jennifer Schevardo, Stephan Kruhl). Metropol Verlag, Berlin, 2008, s. 136-155. ISBN 978-3-940938-64-0
- Štúdiá vizuálnej kultúry a postkomunistická identita? Skúmanie obrazu v kontexte spoločenskej transformácie. World Literature Studies. Časopis pre výskum svetovej literatúry. Vol. 2, No. 19, 2010, s. 70-81.
- Archivovať U.F.O. Július Koller ako zberateľ „kultúrnych situácií“ z tlačových médií. Romboid 7/2010, s. 56-63.
- Iva Mojžišová a jej kritika porozumením. In: Iva Mojžišová: Giacomettiho smiech? Vysoká škola výtvarných umení, 2009, str. 357 – 364. ISBN: 978-80-89259-33-5
- Against Demons of Modernity? Towards Interpreting Art of Sculpture in the 1960s Dominik Tatarka´s Essays. Acta Historiae Artium, 49, 2008, s. 206-214.
- Chvála banálnych paradoxov. In: Ed: Slavkovský, R., Vydrová, J., Vydra, A.: Paradoxy a hranice racionality. Pusté Úľany: Schola Philosophica 2007, s. 188-194. ISBN 978-80-969804-0-6
- Ľudský rozmer abstraktného obrazu. K interpretácii diel Mariána Čunderlíka a Rudolfa Filu v štúdiách Oskára Čepana. In: Zajac, P., Bodorová, B. (eds): Obrazy Oskára Čepana, Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo Michala Vaška, 2006. ISBN 80-7165-590-2, s. 205-208
- Zmysel negácie. Nefiguratívny výtvarný prejav a avantgardné princípy v teórii Oskára Čepana. ARS 39, 2006, 1, s. 93 – 109.
Curating (selected exhibitions):
- Committed to change. 28. 3. – 4. 5. 2014, tranzit dielne / workshops, Studená 12, Bratislava.
- Mutually. Communities of the 1970s and 1980s (co-curated with Barbora Klímová and Filip Cenek) The Brno House of Arts, Brno / tranzitdysplay, Prague, 27. 3. – 19. 5. 2013
- Museum of Parallel Narratives. In the Framework of L’Internationale (MACBA - Museum of Contemporary Art Barcelona, 14.5. 2011 – 2.10. 2011.
- Atlas of Fantastic Science – From the Július Koller Visual Archive. Kunstraum Lakeside, Klagenfurt, 30.3. – 30.5. 2011.
- Pantheon: Heroes and Anti-monuments. Gallery Medium, Bratislava, May-June 2006.
- Patterns Lectures, Curating Archives / Kurátorstvo a archív
- Fulbright Scholarship Program, USA
- Pracovný grant Nadácie Igora Zabela (Igor Zabel Award for Culture and Theory)
- Visegrad University Studies Grant. Visegrad Visual/Cultural Studies (s doc. Máriou Oriškovou, Phil. Dr.)
- tranzit.sk, president and board member
- Slovak Section of AICA
- ARTMargins, editorial board
- The Július Koller Society, research worker